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Female Number of posts : 8
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-01

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PostSubject: JSRP First Tournament   JSRP First Tournament Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 11:26 pm

Jedi Sith Restoration Project Forum Tournament

All fights for the 2008 Jedi Sith Restoration tournament will be found below.

Any other posts to this topic will be deleted. This forum will only serve as an archive to tournament posts.

Last edited by Administrator on Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Female Number of posts : 8
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-01

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PostSubject: Bespin: New Cloud City II - Forgotten Jedi vs. Lord Belial   JSRP First Tournament Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 11:34 pm

High in the clouds of Bespin was New Cloud City II, a city that replaced numerous replacements before, due to invasions from Merlock and other troubles over the many years since the original Cloud City had been erected.

The young Jedi Knight, “Wind” as he called himself to hide his past life, stood awaiting his opponent in a mostly vacant and secluded area with bridges and elevators. Dressed in common black Jedi robes and tunic, he watched and waited with his hood up – the only visible part of his face being his eyes, some dark hair swaying from his forehead, and his nose. His eyes were currently covered by a blindfold, but beneath this blindfold were piercing evergreen eyes. This was somewhat strange idea for a person who was expecting hostile company, but being a Jedi, Wind understood that one’s eyes deceive you, and he learned to trust the Force rather than his eyes.

His head swiveled side to side, as his eyes were peeking through the clothe covering his eyes, expecting to see someone approaching him. Wind was actually enjoying the cool that came through the shafts, and he threw his hood back so he could enjoy it flowing through his hair. Wind breathed it all in, as if smelling air on a cool spring morning. He was always calm, despite whether he was fighting, meditating, eating, or just enjoying the breeze.

Wind then began to slowly pace back and forth on the bridge he was on, hands close to his belt, from which hung two customized lightsabers.

“He should be any minute,” he smiled.


At the last moment before the elevator doors opened, Belial remained silent. His false eyes locked in a gaze of piercing red, the dilated pupils staring in a gaze that never once blinked yet pulsated with the hatred of the Jedi Order. His black hair was combed back, and the rapier-hilted Sith Sword seemed to pulse with the desire to taste blood. When at last the door opened, Belial took his first step out into the open air, as with every step he took, frost seemed to remain in his footsteps.

The air seemed to fall silent in Cloud City as Belial emerged, his tiny footsteps making little noise as his robe dragged along the ground. He at last stopped a good twenty yards away from his opponent, as he tossed his cloak to the side, revealing an authentic Nagai battle tunic, with black cloth over his chest, black pants made with elastic-like fibers for maneuverability, and long gloves that reached all the way up his arms, embedded with small rubber fibers. In one motion Bathory whipped into his hands, the hum of metal moving at intense speeds whipping through the air. The blade was long, and appeared to be way too heavy for such a frail figure to be able to wield; yet Belial was holding it as if it were a mere twig. The cortosis basket hilt was covered in ornate runes, most likely of the ancient Sith. The blade itself was thin, like a katana, but longer; in the style of a nodachi. Along both sides of the blade were more runes, spelling out the words "Thus Spake Zarathustra" in the language of the Ancient Sith.

"It has been three years since I last smelled the blood of your kind, Jedi... the last was a youngling, only seven years old in your human years... the way she screamed while I tore open her pretty little leg, while the blood poured all over her lightsaber... it was fascinating." As the last syllable of his last word left his cold, blue lips, the wind would change direction, as if the word itself was a gale, blowing into the Jedi's face.


As the Dark Lord exited the elevator, Wind suddenly removed his outer robes, exposing his inner tunic and pants, with a hand still clutching the robes. The Jedi could feel Belial. With his hair flowing in front of his eyes and blindfolded by the clothe over them, he could still see everything – as if the Force provided a sort of sonar for his ears, so that Wind could essentially see the entire room without having to look in any direction.

As cold-hearted words filled with pleasure of his last kill came out from his mouth, the Dark Lord had attempted an intimidating dig at the Jedi’s heart. As the wind changed direction, the Jedi Knight then faced his enemy with a neutral expression. The howling air once more changed direction, as if in courtesy to Wind’s movement. The Jedi released his grasp from his robe, and it went flying with the wind, clinging to a distant banister as if from a coat rack.

“So, you get your sick kicks from killing little children. I assure you, this time you will not be facing a youngling.”

Wind’s hand that released the robe a moment before went to catch a lightsaber from his belt, and as he brought it up, a 3-foot blue streak came to life from a curling finger’s command.

The Jedi smiled then, ready to fight. It wasn’t his first battle against a Dark Lord and he doubted it would be his last. Taking an opening Niman stance in consideration of the nodachi-like blade, Wind fully centered himself in the Force, ready for the Dark Lord’s first move.


"I'm not? Then pray tell, what am I looking at?" Belial's tongue licked over the edges of his pointed Nagaian teeth, as if he were licking up the residue of blood left there from a previous kill. "I can't wait for you to meet her... you most likely won't even recognize her. She's missing half of the tissue on her face, afterall... you can almost see her throat inhaling through her jaw." Belial then spun Bathory, and activated Force Speed. However, he did not charge forward. Instead, he was repeatedly spinning the Sith Sword, while the blade made strange humming sounds; the sounds of the magnetic properties of the blade being manipulated through the Dark Side of the Force. As the blade spun, Belial repeatedly struck the ground of the metallic streets of the New Cloud City.

As he did so, he was quickly switching the molecules around, switched between sharp and blunt, so that the ground would be chipped up, and then attached to the blade through magnetism. Soon, the blade would be almost coated in red-hot metal scraped from the street, as the sparks stopped flying. The blade was now almost twice as thick.

The Dark Lord of the Sith then took a defensive stance, a malign glint in his false eyes. "Come at me, Jedi. Show me how much you Jedi scum lust for my death. If you do not kill me now, your Jedi friends will be slaughtered like lambs."


As Wind stood in stance, Belial made another attempt at being intimidating. The Jedi Knight was a bit disappointed the Dark Lord did not make the first move, already having waited for a good time. Apparently the Dark Lord was not going to take initiative. The young man could not help being amused by the Sith's obvious attempt to bark at Wind to back down in fear.

"So, I see your lines are rehearsed. Where are you getting these lines from? 'The Dark Lord's Handbook: A Monologuing Guide to Scaring Younglings'? Honestly, every Dark Lord I've ever met throws off the same cheesy lines. You need to get yourself an agent to find you a better book to quote by. Peter Pan, perhaps." Wind smiled widely. "But I guess I pity you... you Sith have no sense of originality or imagination. I guess getting caught up in power and greed scrambles what was left of your brain." He almost burst out laughing at the Dark Lord's words, but he settled for a chuckle and returned to a neutral expression.

Wind swirled his blade in front of himself in sideways vertical circles, spinning his lightsaber handle between his fingers, in reply to the Dark Lord's whirling cortosis blade. "Hey, you never know; sometimes the lion is devoured by the lamb." Wind continued smiled again. "Wouldn't be the first time. You could be meeting her again before me. Naturally, picking on a youngling is too easy, even for a person like you.

Seeing everything around him with the Force and making a minor plan, Wind suddenly stepped over to the platform where Belial stood, remaining about thirty feet from the Sith; the Jedi swiped his lightsaber across the floor, searing the platform completely from Belial's side. Wind Force-jumped up on top of one of the elevators towers, and leaped across a few pairs of suspension rails to reach the one where the Sith had come from, and glared down at Belial through the blindfold.

"On your knees, murderer. I want you to beg for forgiveness."

Wind sliced a nearby suspender ring into a pipe-shape with his blade, and send it flying at Belial's face with the aid of the Force. At the same mili-second the pipe was intended to gash into the Sith's eye, Wind's combat boots hit the platform about twenty feet behind Belial. Wind made a quick maneuver and cleanly cut the floor between himself and the Sith, which would cause the platform betweeen where the Jedi had split the other end before to his current position, leaving the whole platform to the great fall awaiting it. Wind's free hand would ice the floor between himself and Belial - if the Sith attempted to charge him - just enough to cause his foe to slip.

At the conclusion of his actions, Wind would resume his Niman stance in preparation for Belial's presumed counterattack.


"Such a sharp tongue, for a Jedi. Perhaps you are not as much of a pacifist as you claim."

Ah, the projectile trick. How predictable. However, rather than trying to deflect the projectile, Belial welcomed it. Since he was already in a defensive position, he simply raised his blade, activating the magnetic property. Before the pipe was even halfway to its destination, the magnet would attract the pipe. Through sheer energy, the pipe would attach itself to the blade, making a sharp clang as it did so. It was now protruding from the flat side of the blade, attached with a magnetic force generated from the Dark Side. Immediately after the pipe became one with the blade, Belial charged forward, dragging the sharp end along the ground. The resulting friction would once again heat the metal up, and the air resistance would move the pipe along the side, making the pipe parallel to the blade, resting on the flat side, pointing away from Belial's body.

He would stop a good five yards way from his opponent. As he did so, he returned to a defensive position, as the wind, blowing towards his victim, would begin being manipulated. Since he already had a mild control over it (from my first post), he merely needed to intensify it. Increasing the wind to a fierce gale, he began isolating the air front between himself and the ironically named Jedi. The intent was not to cause harm; rather, to loosen the Jedi's stance. Because he would almost definitely need to brace himself in order to stay on the platform (lest he fall backwards), this would put him in the perfect position for Belial's next move. Of course, he needed to see his opponent's reaction, first.


“Just because I am a peace-lover doesn’t mean I have to take any of your smack. Don’t mistake me for a timid, stereotype Jedi.”

As Wind proceeded to slice the floor platforms apart, the Dark Lord charged towards him, and so the Jedi retorted by icing the floor. The Sith slipped in his charge, and began the long fall to the shaft below, as he did not make it off of the falling platform. Wind shouted down to him:

“Give the little girl you murdered my regards - when you reach Hell!”

Wind turned away, the air changing direction with him, the departing of the Dark Lord returning its full command to the Jedi. He wasn't entirely sure Belial would die, but the odds of him surviving such a drop were slim at best. Wind didn't expect to see him again anytime too soon.

“That was a pathetic display of a Dark Lord’s abilities. I wonder who among us two was wearing the true blindfold...”
Wind allowed himself a smile as he walked away victorious, turning off his lightsaber and placing it back on his belt.

The blindfolded Jedi Knight continued on to another elevator exit, on to another tournament match.
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Female Number of posts : 8
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-01

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PostSubject: Tatooine- Sunset battle (Dawn vs. Zanic)   JSRP First Tournament Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 11:46 pm

Dawn sat on the rock and watched the twin suns slowly sink. The land would soon be bleached in darkness. It would be cold. Dawn didn't care. She was simply waiting. Leaning back against the wall of the canyon, she listened.

And waited.


"So you are here. I have been excited about this battle."

Zanic stood in the shadow of a rock glaring at Dawn. He activated his two green lightsabers.

"I am almost a Jedi Knight, but do not underestimate me. We shall see who is superior."


"Heck, never said I would take this lightly," said Dawn, activating her own blue bladed lightsaber. She waited, knowing it would be foolish to advance first with but one weapon.


Zanic did what he always did first in a battle. His special move he learned while in hiding. Zanic begin to spin his lightsabers against the ground. This was his offensive move that Greivous once did this in his battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi in the days of the old republic. Zanic began to advance towards Dawn slowly.

"We are both Jedi, so this will be an honorable match." Zanic said above the noise of the lightsabers."May the best Jedi win."

With that, Zanic smiled. This would be the first time he would be fighting another padawan since fighting Adam Stall, Vegito's other padawan.


Seeing him spinning the lightsabers, she thought then copied him, only backwards. The spinning sprayed sand towards her opponent, making vision hard to come by. This would be her first padawan battle.


Zanic used Force barrier to block the sand, then used Force Ice around the barrier aiming ice straight towards Dawn. He then kept using Force Ice to constantly shoot Ice at Dawn. He waited for the Ice to hit his opponent.


Dawn raised the lightsaber.

"Elementary. Lightsabers are... very... hot," she said, twirling the weapon to catch the ice. When the lighsaber came to contact with the Force made shards, they melted. Dawn then, switched her lightsaber to it's full three meters and swiped at Zanic's legs.


At the last minute, Zanic did two front flips landing behind Dawn.

"The simple slash of a lightsaber. I do the simple force jump." Zanic said confidently.

Zanic used the force to pick up a rock and send it hurling at Dawn. Zanic was growing more confident the longer the battle lasted.


Dawn rolled down behind the rock, though it swept through her boot. A bit of sand crept in the hold.

I can't stand this freaking SAND!!

Aiming to kick Zanic's feet from under him. At the last minute though, she flicked up her foot towards his jaw.


Zanic started rolling backwards. Though Dawn's foot nicked his jaw, he dodged most of the attack. Zanic then did two front flips,aiming straight for Dawn. He then brought down his lightsabers with the full force of the jump on the spot where her head would be while is other lightsaber came in from the side.. There would be no dodging this attack.


DAwn whirled her lightsaber to block the one for her head, then did something... unexpected. Noticing the lightsaber coming for her side, she snapped out a foot and slammed it onto it's hilt. This caused the heat of the weapon to melt more of her shoe, giving her a bad burn.

"What are you trying to do to my shoes? You got something against them?" she asked sarcastically, gasping from the strain for both sabers.


Zanic was impressed. Though she almost burned her foot in half, she managed to block his attack. Zanic used the force to regain his lightsaber. This is where the battle got deadly, when Zanic used his best force move. Zanic used force speed quickly and went hopping around the canyon circling Dawn. While he was hopping, he used the force to throw rocks at Dawn. Rock after rock was sent hurling at the Jedi.

Zanic grinned while in midair."This is no time for jokes Dawn Skywalker."


"This is no time for heavy minerals, Zanic," Dawn gasped dodging rocks as quick as she could. She hadn't used the Force in so long... could she pull it off? It would take two seconds. If she failed... the sheer power of those rocks would snap her leg in half.

Breathing deeply, she imagined all her power going to her feet, all the other organs shutting dow... the power in her feet.

Her eyes snapped open as she leapt into the air. Locking her eyes on a pillar of rock, she whipped out her leg and swung in a circle.

Power in my feet!

As her leg connected with the rocks they were batted backwards. The danger passed, but the move had taken its toll. Dawn landed, gasping raggedly as pain shot through her leg.

"There. Now we're even. You make fun of sarcasm, I throw your rocks around."


Zanic stood standing on a rock with his arms crossed looking down at his opponent. Dawn looked really tired. The force Speed had taken it's toll on him as well. Though Zanic was tired, he still had enough energy to end the battle.

"That was too close Dawn. You could've snapped your leg in half. Don't risk it again." Zanic said. His words echoed around the canyon."Time to end it."

Zanic took both of his lightsabers and activated them. He sent both of them down at Dawn. The lightsabers swung at Dawn in midair. Then he also threw rocks with his mind because he was using his hands to contol the lightsabers.

"This fight is done!" Zanic yelled aloud. "Concede defeat or you will witness my true power!" The lightsabers swing around Dawn at high speeds while the rocks were hurling towards Dawn.


"you," she gasped... "Are so stupid."

Dawn slowed down thought in her mind. She saw every turn the lightsabers made... NOW.

Reaching out, Dawn grabbed the lightsabers, holding her own in her mouth, deactivated, and swung in a circle, deflecting the rocks. Some cut in half were soon cut again and again as Dawn twirled.


"Precisely what I wanted you to do."Zanic grinned. Zanic pulled on the lightsaber in Dawn's mouth. As it came to him he said, "You are not skilled using two weapons yet." Zanic attached Dawn's saber to his belt and pulled on his two in her hands.


Dawn grabbed hold of the lightsabers and let him pull her, keeping them tight in her hands. As she was pulled she aimed the weapons at Zanic's arms. If she was successful, he would be pinned to the wall of rock.


Zanic then let go of the pull and Dawn started falling to the ground. Zanic shot two force ice and used the opportunity to try and pull his lightsabers back.


As he pulled again Dawn used the momentum to flip and use his own lightsabers to slam back the Force Ice. She continued on her course.


Zanic then shoved with Force push.

"Enough of this!" Zanic yelled.


Dawn held on to the lightsabers, twirling and ark with them as she landed on her feet. But now her face showed anger, and her eyes became as red as his. The only problem was... hers were blue.

"Zanic, you just made a big mistake."


"Dawn, if you wish to suceed, you must control your anger." Zanic said cautiously.


"Forget it," she spat. Her eyes burned into his and the lightsabers in her hands grew hot and blazed with a new level of light. She swung them over her head and dug them into the ground. The resounding shock waves caused the canyon to tremble.


"So be it!" Zanic yelled.

Zanic jumped up, did two front flips and came down with Dawn's sabers doing the same thing she did. The canyon was trembling even more.


"You. Will. Die." Dawn said, eyes blazing as she raised both lightsabers and swept both towards Zanic, moving as fast as she could.


"You are not worthy enough to be a jedi. I shall do what I must, and it will be good enough." Zanic said controlling his anger. He used force protect and waited for the jedi to come at him.


"Worthy... or not. The Force will decide the winner."

Dawn raced forward, smashing into the barrier.


At the last moment, Zanic activated Dawn's lightsaber and sent it forward towards Dawn. There was a giant explosion.


The blast carried Dawn backwards towards the wall. At the last second she flipped and jumped off the wall, grabbing her activated lightsaber. Twisting, she whirled towards Zanic, ignoring the sharp bursts of pain from the hot rocks that had been blown during the explosion.


The force Protect blocked most of the attack. Zanic slid back against a rock wall.

"I refuse to give up!" Zanic yelled out. Zanic pulled a giant boulder out of the ground."I've had it with this battle!" Zanic forced the boulder in to the ground right in front of him.


"Alright then, let's test this out!" Dawn shouted. Throwing herself forwards, she rammed the boulder with her entire body.

And let me tell you, Tom Brady would've been jealous.

The full force of the tackle left a Dawn-shaped imprint on the face. The rock started to tip in Zanic's direction.


Zanic used the force to push over the rock to face Dawn.

"Now we shall see who is stronger in the Force." Zanic said gently. "Remember, control your anger."


"I thought you knew, I'm a bit rusty with the Force. But I can do this," she added. Calling upon a wisp of the Force, she used the energy to repeatedly pummel the rock with her strong legs, tilting it back.


Zanic used both of his hands now to push the rock.


Dawn continued with her method, then twisted and smashed her feet into the rock, tilting it sharply.


Zanic let go of the push, did a back flip, landed on the side of the canyon and as soon as the rock fell, Zanic took out Dawn's lightsaber, activated it, and launced himself at Dawn.


"Woah," she gasped, running backwards with great speed. She jumped from here and rammed herself in a full tackle at Zanic, intending to knock him over. At the same time she used his lightsaber to block her own.


Zanic did a barrel roll in midair just barely dodging Dawn's attack. He then landed on the ground behind Dawn.

"Here I come!"

Zanic used force Speed and circled Dawn. It looked as if Zanic was in every spot around Dawn.


"You wanna play speed games, huh?" Dawn said, then immediately jumped over him and circled Zanic mush faster than he had been, using the Force to boost her already unnatural speed.


Zanic jumped up and did two backflips. He used Dawn's lightsaber on the ground making the canyon split into a bunch of flying rocks. Zanic used force Barrier to defend against all of the rocks.


Dawn jumped from rock to rock, aiming for Zanic. But she sailed over his head and instead grinded on the edge of the canyon. Looking down as bits of blazing stones rained from her shoes she called, "Catch me if you can!" the dashed off into the desert. If this worked they would be fighting while running, in which she had more experience.


Zanic jumped out of the canyon.

"This is no time for games Dawn!" Zanic shouted.

He used force speed and started catching up to her quickly.


"This is no time for slowpokes, Zanic," Dawn called back, accelerating so she maintained a speed about 100 meters away from him.


Zanic used his powerful legs to catch up and throw a rock with his right hand using the force.


Dawn batted the rock back with the hilt of one of Zanic's lightsabers, then speeded up. Using a small burst of Force with her leg strength, she shot ahead and turned back, now running at full speed towards Zanic.


When Dawn reached Zanic, He did a back flip. Using his legs, he kicked up at Dawn's chin and then activated Dawn's lightsaber and swung up as well at Dawn's stomach.


DAwn used Zanic's kick to launch up and over the lightsaber swing, igniting one of Zanic's in mid air. She came down in a spiral, but instead of aiming for Zanic, she attempted to smash her own weapon out of his hands.


Zanic pointed Dawn's lightsaber up at her trying to finally end the battle once and for all. He was ready for any funny business.


Dawn swung her lightsaber in a horizontal arch towards the raised saber and swung the now activated other one towards Zanic's neck.


Zanic lowered Dawn's saber and spun the lightsaber blocking off the attack to his neck. Dawn landed on top of him. Zanic quickly got up, backed up, and lifted a huge boulder with the force and dropped it to where Dawn was lying on the ground.


DAwn rolled away from the boulder and swiftly snapped a kick towards Zanic's feet, bringing up the two ligtsabers to hold hers in place.


Zanic jumped up flipping over Dawn with the lightsaber still locked in between the two lightsabers, Zanic hung on, turned around, and kicked with both feet at Dawn's back.


DAwn arched her back and when the feet connected shrugged them off and pulled down on the lightsaber. This would either pull Zanic back or yank out his arms.


Zanic pulled down on the lightsaber with his left hand and used force Push on Dawn with his right hand..


Dawn immediately flopped to the ground pulling Zanic with her. She pointed one saber up and hoped it would hit.


Zanic scooted backwards quickly dodging the attack by a hair. He got up. Zanic saw one of his lightsabers lying on the ground next to Dawn. He used force Pull to retrieve it. He swung his left handed saber down on Dawn while leaving the other one spinning for defense.


Seeing the open spinning saber, Dawn casually flicked it hard with one stroke.


Zanic's attack saber came down on Dawn's back ending the battle.
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Female Number of posts : 8
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-01

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PostSubject: Dantooine Plains - Vegito vs Helius   JSRP First Tournament Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 11:50 pm

~This planet, located in the Raioballo Sector of the galaxy, had a long history with the Old and New Republics, as well as the Alliance. Dantooine had two moons and a dry savannah environment, and the homeworld to the Dantari race, as well as a number of unusual forms of animal life. Perhaps the most unusual aspect of Dantooine's ecosystem was the lavender-colored grass that covered the plains, swaying like a purple blanket in the breeze. To feel the calmness that the planet exerted. He sighed, as he walked. Why was it he always found himself here from time to time?~

~As soon as the X-wing landed, Vegito activated the security proximity net so that no one but him could enter within 10 meters of his starfighter. He jumped out of the cockpit, dusting himself off a bit. He wore his usual blue jerkin, orange undershirt, blue pants and blue leather belt, and white gloves to do justice to his white boots. He was a very handsome individual, tightly muscular with a chiseled figure that looked like it was worked like stone. He his skin tone was caucasion, and had spiky black hair. He had a friendly face that could welcome all. He set himself here, awaiting for the challenge that was coming for him. He sported both of his lightsabers, and a torrent of light could be seen whenever he wielded them with skill.~

"Helius, I wonder how well he fights. This should be good."

~He paced back and forth, waiting for his opponent to show up for the contest. Sooner or later, the dangerous dance between the two would begin.~


~The Jedi Master landed also on Dantooine with an X-wing 50 yards from where the other Jedi stood. When Helius hopped out of his X-wing, he revealed a man in his mid 20's with wrinkles on his face. He wore a navy blue Jedi robe with contrasting shades of blue for other garments. His belt dangled with two lightsabers as that was all that Helius needed. His navy blue boots were also there and one could see that he had no fashion sense.

The astro droid took the X-wing back into orbit as soon as Helius was a safe distance into the area. He nodded towards Vegito.~

"May the Force Be With Us."

~With this Helius withdrew one of his sabers with his right hand and ignited it. He awaited his opponents move.~


~As an X-wing approached, Vegito smiled as he figured that it was Helius that was arriving. He wasn't expecting anyone else to come to this place, because it would be too much of a coincidence. The X-wing landed and Helius landed out of the cockpit and he saw Helius that donned a rather bright colored Jedi robe. His facial features revealed a rather young man, to the surprise of the Jedi Knight.~

"You are younger than I expected Master Helius."

~Vegito couldn't help to comment on that as the Jedi Master approached him. Strangely enough, the X-wing took off and left Helius behind. He didn't sense any treachery towards the Jedi Master so thought nothing else of it. He replied back towards Helius with a nod.~

"May the Force guide us in battle."

~With that, as Helius drew his lightsaber and activated with a hiss, Vegito also drew one to his left hand and ignited it. The green blade hissed and hummed, and Helius being on standby, the Jedi Knight took it as a sign for him to take the initiative. With great strides he quickly approached Helius, and with a move likened to an amateur move, he stopped two paces before the Jedi Master, then abruptly took another pace to close on point blank range, then moved his lightsaber to attack at the left quadriceps at a downward diagonal angle, but prepared himself to change course to deflect Helius' lightsaber to or roll away to evade it. If forced to evade, he would roll to his right and forward, while taking an aim to attack behind the Jedi Master's left patella.~


~Helius nodded with the young comment.~

"Looks are deceiving though, young Knight."

~As Vegito was stopping Helius used his left hand to call upon Force Whirlwind and engulfed himself not Vegito in it. This gently lifted Helius up fifteen feet into the air. This would also allow Helius to miss Vegito's attack. As Helius came back down, he went face first with his lightsaber facing Vegito first and his left hand open in case he needed to do more Force maneuvers.

Helius on his descent starting whirling the lightsaber above his head as he was falling first face. It was his intention to strike at Vegito's head. Helius could move from this angle even if Vegito decided to move on him. If Vegito stayed still, surely he would feel the wrath of Helius' saber.~


~Vegito chuckled a little at Helius' reply.~

"Yes, they can be, but that wasn't question here. I'm not all that young though."

~As Vegito made his abrupt stop before continuing, Helius was lifted up in a great force of wind as Vegito was going to strike, and it could only mean that Helius was using Force Whirlwind. This allowed Helius to escape Vegito's attack, and Vegito looked up and awaited what the Jedi Master was going to follow up with during his descent.~

~Then Helius starting falling face first, and was whirling his lightsaber over him as he did so. With his mind taking to evasion, Vegito followed through with his pre-emptive thoughts, and rolled right and then forward while keeping his lightsaber over him to deflect off Helius lightsaber and match off the angle of his lightsaber, then he would jump up to the point just over and behind Helius' back, then rotate his body while putting his lightsaber to his right hand as he did and strike where he intended to in this situation, right behind Helius' left patella as he still came down.


~Helius allowed Vegito to jump, but would not allow Vegito to get behind him. Helius used a strong Force Push on Vegito with his left hand to push Helius and Vegito back. Helius was basically using Vegito as a wall to push against upon. If Helius was successful, both of them would be sent flying in the opposite directions.

Afterwards, Helius would gently land and take once again a defensive position.~


~As Vegito was jumping, he could feel the Force dissipate from Helius in a strong wave. To continue his attack, Vegito used the Force to make a small force push, just enough to dissect Helius' push into halves and redirect them, going diagonal directions towards Vegito downwards but away left and right. As was if Helius Force Push hit the slippery corner of an invisible wall, and it allowed Vegito to continue on to the open space. At the same time, it would not allow Helius any concrete placement, which would keep him from pushing off if he intended to do so. What Vegito did was like killing two birds with one stone. It would keep Vegito from being pushed back, while at the same time not allowing Helius to distance himself from Vegito. Whatever Helius intended obviously did not work, and Vegito took advantage of his open target and swung where he intended. To follow up, Vegito would reverse his attack as they both descended to the ground, and kept his senses aware for a counter. He would then strike in a stab towards Helius abdomen, while warding off Helius' lightsaber in defense if that came to pass, using a sideways movement at an advantageous angle, or a rotating movement.~


~Helius was struck in the abdomen, and that would end the fight.~
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Female Number of posts : 8
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-01

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PostSubject: Mustafar: Abandoned Droid Factory - Mark Kenobi vs. the Dark Scythe (Jeth)   JSRP First Tournament Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 11:54 pm

The Jedi Master stood waiting calmly, dressed fully in his black Jedi robes and tunic. With closed eyes and a mind set deep in concentration, he dived into the Force and awaited his challenger. With his hood up, Mark's face would remain anonymous until his opponent's arrival, at which point he would remove the hood and let the outer tunic slid off his shoulders. On Mark's belt were his two lightsabers, one green and one blue. Mark rarely used both, as he preferred the one-handed styles most of the time. In his belt he also had other small equipment, such as a rebreather, a grappling cable and a holocron of Exar Kun.

Mark was overlooking the lava lake in the docking bay. His Jedi StealthX was nearby, being the ship he had arrived on. Most of the factory that was left by the Separatist Droid army ages ago was still intact, as apparently someone had been maintaining it from time to time. There were some bridges and machines still working, as well as the shields that had prevented the overwhelming lava flow from melting it.

Mark did not see much point to this though, since a planet on the verge of blowing up and practically void of all life-with the exception of an occasional passerby-did not merit maintenance of any sort. Other than the fact that the legendary duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader happened here, and thus leaving some kind of famous name upon it, the place served no purpose economical, emotional or any other attachment.

But it was a perfect battleground, and a dangerous one at that. Mark had not set foot on the volcanic since he dueled the mighty Darth Korribannus years before. He was expecting an opponent to meet him here some days before, but he never showed. Mark was informed that the contender had forfeited and that he would have to wait until the second round for a fight. He hoped his next opponent would show.


A VT-49 Decimator barreled down from the Mustafar sky down towards the Jedi Master. It even out in its flight about 20 feet from the ground above him in slowed down to a crawling hover. A docking hatch opened at the rear of the hull and a darkly robed figure could be seen standing on its edge of the hatch tough whatever the darksider’s presence and strength was in the force it was being hidden very well and was virtually impossible to sense.

The figure dropped down and landed seven or so yards away from Mark in a slightly crouch position. He was wrapped in a heavy black cloak with its hood up shadowing his face though it was obvious that the darksider was staring at his own ship as its engines roared loudly and it began to move away from the scene. As the darksider watched his ship leave he spoke in calm heartless hiss that one would expect the serpent who spoke to Adam and Eve to have sounded like.

“The VT-Forty-nine Decimator. It seems as though a ship to serve my every need was created in my long sleep, and one with such a menacing charm at that.”

Jeth finally turned away from the scene of the former imperial ship flying off and turned to face the Jedi Master as he spoke again.

“So we will be doing battle it seems.”

He let out an almost bored sounding sigh as he moved a black six and a half foot long chanlon metal staff with randomly curved outstanding ridges of phrik running up and down its length into clear view, holding it with a firm grip at its center with his right hand.

He then began to hum a bitter sweet tune to himself as he moved his left hand up, lowered his hood, and unclasped a few connectors at his neck allowing the heavy black cloak around his form to fall away from his body. He revealed that his head was still hooded with a smaller hood that only cast down to his nosed in shadow. Covering his entire body were slightly baggy yet fitted dark clothes of dark grey and black, somewhat stereotypical of a darksider (more detailed image can be seen on website found in profiles) with light leather boots which made little noise when he took a step . On his hands is a pair of crushgaunts adjusted for a custom fit and look. Under his clothing he had some pieces of his Sith armor on, which includes a highly refined cortosis ore forearm protector on his left arm, and one made of beskar on his right, and a chest and back plated armor custom fit and made of beskar as well which also protected most of his neck. The armor was fitted so well and was so thin that it was virtually invisible under the darksider’s clothing.

His body is thin but toned mussel lies under his pale porcelain skin. His face is a bit bony and narrow with thin lips, yet he is handsome in its own manner. His eyes are solid black with red dot pupils but are currently hidden in the shadows of his hood and his strait black and silver colored hair which falls just over them.

He finally stopped humming and slowly spun his staff in his hands as he looked around and spoke rather casually.

“This is quite a nice place. I wouldn’t mind dyeing here…”

He then turned his head and stared at Mark who he would expect to be looking back at him as he finished speaking.

“…but that is up to you now isn’t it?”

A clever looking grin slipped across the former Sith assassin’s lips as he felt the power of his armor to drawn power from the energy in the area start to take effect.


As Mark’s Sith opponent made himself known, the Jedi Master threw off his outer robes and looked toward his challenger. Jeth seemed to be using a staff as a weapon, something Mark usually didn’t see too much.

“This a nice place to die? Hmm. Well, one wouldn’t have to be worried about not getting a funeral pyre here.” Mark smirked. The Jedi Master felt Jeth’s aura and found it… familiar. “Did you by any chance happen to be around during Merlock’s reign?”

Mark’s hand went to his belt and unclipped a lightsaber. The Jedi Master ignited the blue saber and held the humming blade in a Soresu stance.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll start things off, my friend.”

Mark advanced Jeth and switched his style to Djem So.

The Jedi Master moved perpendicularly to the right, Jeth’s left. Once he completed this movement, he would slide his saber towards his opponent's left wrist and jerk down, attempting to severe it. The Jedi made a quick 360° vertical sideways saber spin in front, and then Mark would attack again by bringing his lightsaber quickly around to his left and up, and then downward at Jeth's left shoulder. The Jedi Master would make another 360° vertical sideways saber spin in front and then jump back ten feet.

Mark would then rush in using Force speed to quickly go behind Jeth and then stab down at Jeth's legs, first at his right calf and then at his left Vastus Laterlis. The Jedi Master made one more front Soresu saber spin, then backed away from Jeth's staff's attack range.


It was not time yet to reveal the armor that lay beneath Jeth’s clothes, or the interesting ability of the armor that made up his left arm guard. So he decided an aggressive defense would be best for now. He kept his eyes on the man as he moved to the left. Jeth sharpened his eyes not saying a word as stopped spinning his staff and griped it in his right hand. With a slight grin still on his face he did not move away as he swung his staff to the left to block the attack aimed at his wrist, using enough force to also force back the light saber rather violently, the phirk on the staff able to withstand the light saber. Jeth then quickly took a step back with his left foot pivoting on his right dodging the second slash which was aimed for the shoulder. He kept this movement as he crouched down and moved his staff out to trip the man with a quick swipe from behind aimed for the back of the Jedi's knees. Keeping his eyes on the Jedi Master as he then moved around behind him, Jeth swung his staff all the way to the right and behind himself using the force to assist in the speed and precision of his movements. Without looking he swung his staff in front of his right and then back to his left leg deflect both attacks at his legs. Quickly spinning around to face the Jedi as he moved the staff back in front of himself Jeth stood and spoke again seeming somewhat amused.

“No time for small talk than is see.”

The former Sith was still crouched as he suddenly leapt forwards to the Jedi’s right side using the force to aid his speed as he slid the staff down and griped it’s at his bottom. He held out the staff as an extension of his arm using the force to secure his hold on it. He was just close enough on the right side of the Jedi so that he could swing his staff's tip into his right kneecap very forcefully which is what he proceeded to do. Jeth would remain out of the Jedi’s attack range which allowed him to attack again without having to worry about defending a counter. Once past the Jedi Jeth stopped on a dime and moved his hand back up to the center of the staff as he force activated the weapon and made a quick horizontal slash at the Jedi's back before taking two leaps backwards and bringing the staff of his weapon up in both hands to defend any oncoming counter attacks. At the top edge of the staff was a small one foot gap that was now emitting a thin red laser blade that curves down to a point about three feet out giving the appearance of a crimson laser scythe which is what he slashed at the Jedi’s back with. Now waiting the former Sith spoke again.

"Are you a master?"


The Sith assassin successfully blocked the Jedi Master’s first few attacks, and so Mark proceeded with his next combo. As Mark moved with Force Speed to get behind Jeth, he was able to see the assassin drop his staff to trip Mark. The Jedi Master leaped over the staff and held his lightsaber below himself as he passed over, prepared for an upward motion from the staff as he made the jump. The assassin managed to block Mark’s attacks to the back of his legs, so the Jedi jumped back and took his stance, waiting for Jeth’s attack.

Mark felt Jeth activate Force speed, and so he did likewise to compensate and be able to defend himself. The Jedi Master’s blue blade went down into a vertical counterclockwise spin on his lower right side, stopping Jeth’s staff in its swing at Mark’s right kneecap. The Jedi Master followed Jeth’s motions and kept facing him as he moved around Mark. The blue saber came up in a timely manner and vertically parried Jeth’s quick horizontal slash with the scythe.

“Yes, I am a Jedi Master. You have quite a lot of skill, my friend. It is too bad you use it for the Darkside. Though I have to admit, you’re not like most Sith... You know your place. You are confident and yet aware. A most worthy opponent.” Mark nodded complimentary at Jeth and smiled a bit.

The Jedi Master impetuously moved to his foe, his blade staying up in an Ataru-like position. His first attack was a horizontal slash on Jeth’s left shoulder, the blade coming from Mark’s right, the swing angling from 0° to 180° from start to finish. (0° is considered exactly to my right and 180° is exactly to my left) Mark’s second attack was a reversal of this swing, the 180° to 0° blade swing going from Mark’s left (and Jeth’s right shoulder). The Jedi Master repeated this same attack in an attempt to catch Jeth off-guard, his arms coming back over to his left side after the last slash and repeating the move.

Between each of these attacks, Mark would make a full vertical clockwise saber spin in his front to ward off any attack from Jeth’s scythe. The Jedi Master would use Force speed to boost his defensive swirls if Jeth attempted to counter during any of these motions.

Mark used the Force to intersperse 1-foot ice spears in a circle above him. With his mind, he selected targets on his opponent’s body: his two femur bones; both humerus bones; and both sides of his thorax. All he had to do was command them forth with a simple thought, and they would soar at their targets. This was one of Mark’s signature techniques, in which he usually used these ice spears to distract his opponents as they attacked him. When he extended his left brachial plexus, he would use the Force to outset the gelid inroad on said quarries. Mark stood in his Soresu stance and would let Jeth make his next move.

Most of the time, the Sith only prevailed because the Jedi did little to stop them, if they did anything at all. It was almost as if they were afraid. Not this Jedi Master. He outstretched both of his arms in challenge, Mark’s left palm flipping upwards and waving towards himself.

“Come on, show me what you’ve got.”


“Oh don’t flatter me…”

The assassin chuckled at the comment.

“Besides, I was never given the choice in sides. What I am is a result of my fate set life when I was still young. But as you said...”

He was not able to finish speaking when the first strike came. Taking a step back he moved his hands down the staff a bit as he used the curved edge of his crimson blade to hook the Jedi Master’s light saber each time he swung. Jeth then used the length of the staff to keep out of the light saber’s reach as he directed swings of the Jedi’s blade in the directions he was swinging while keeping the actual attacks completely harmless and out of reach so they did no harm. As he did this he finished what he was saying.

“…it is too bad.”

His head tilted to the right side at the end of the Jedi’s attack and stared at the ice spikes with a faint grin as he spoke to himself in a whispering hiss.

“Those look dangerous, heh heh.”

Rather suddenly the assassin lept to the left, but before his feet touched the ground again his image vanished from sight as he bent the light around himself. He was now invisible to the naked eye though his presence was not invisible in the force. Targeting specific points would be impossible, especially since he also aloud a fog of darkness to radiate from his body. The former assassin’s footsteps would be barely audible but the hum of his lightscythe would be just as loud as ever.

With his precise movements now impossible to follow even in the force Jeth began using force speed as he moved around the Jedi master in a ten foot radial circle. He held the staff at an angle with both hands so the crimson blade of the weapon was always towards the Jedi.
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Female Number of posts : 8
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-07-01

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PostSubject: (2nd round) Richter vs Zanic - Naboo Plains   JSRP First Tournament Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 11:57 pm

Coming from Coruscant, one would think that person could find a Jedi to train with. Coming from Korriban from before, one would think that a confrontation with a Sith would be almost a guarantee. So not was the luck of the night hunter of Naboo, Richter Belmont. How he wished to join swords with a foe worthy of his skill, or better. He was told it was the only thing there is. It was something that flowed through life, and it was life in a sense. He wondered how anyone could understand anything on the teachings of the Force. It was his goal to fight one that knew it, and from another, learn of it. He couldn't do it as there was no one to fight nor no one to learn it from. All the Jedi were occupied in their goals and all the Sith were disorganized for the time being. It was an incredibly rash situation to be involved in, chasing those in tune with the Force, one specifically that was to be his opponent this evening.

From the spaceport, he journeyed off to the capital of Naboo. It could be said it was half past one of the afternoon, under the power of the strong blue sky. Ahead of him were foggy marshes, a trifle diffucult terrain to pass through, although not perilious. He fought with the soggy grasses and small ponds, but it was something of a pleasure workout for him, not looking at it as a annoying obstacle. But he had learned to work through it, being that it was his homeland. He managed his way through the fog and found the clearing of green hills and vast blue sky. It turned out to be the same battlefield from quite some time ago before even the Clone Wars. Here, an army of Gungan warriors fought off the droid army to divert from the main city so that a pair of well known and the elected queen of Naboo could retake the planet from the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Sometimes, obtaining knowlege of history was rather entertaining.

He finally stopped near the bottom of hill, and awaited there his opponent to come. As it was, it was an opponent that he helped gain his status as Jedi Knight.

"I wonder, Zanic, if thou art ready to fight me for real. I believe this match will determine how far thou hath come."

He paced back and forth about the same two yards in meditation as he awaited the arrival of newly ordained Jedi Knight.


Zanic flew in a ship from Coruscant. He was to be facing Richter Belmont. The one who had recently dueled him with the trial. This time it would be for real. No mess-ups.

He landed on the outskirts of Theed and went off into the marshes. He fought his way through the marshes until he got to the plains.

He saw someone pacing back and forth at the bottom of a hill. It was Richter. He walked all the way over there for he would need to reserve his strength for this battle.

"Well well well, if it isn't Richter Belmont. When you said we would see each other soon, I didn't know you meant so soon." Zanic smirked. "As you should know, I am much stronger than I was in the trial, so maybe I can actually hurt you this time." Zanic joked. "I will show you how much stronger I have become." Zanic said as he activated his two green lightsabers.


Richter felt a familiar approach from the skies as the wind blew itself gently around. He oversaw from a distance the space vehicle that Zanic was riding, taking berth at the spaceport at the Capital of Theed. As strange as it was, the second round that Richter would participate in the tournament would be Naboo, which was his home planet. It was funny in the fact that this was the place where he had met any Sith for the first time, under the guise of the stranger. It was surely a threatening experience to say the least, and the enigma would only grow with time. For now, it was time to have fun. Richter had a hard time wondering if he should play or fight seriously in the tournament, because Zanic had much to still learn when they had last met, and improve he could have already.

When Richter signed up for this tournament, he had no idea he would be meeting Zanic in the second round. He started his ascent towards the ring, looking upon the cold white marble material it was constructed from. It was smooth, yet not slippery, so balanced footing was easy to obtain. On a flat area on the plains, the ring was constructed for the tournament. It would be the first time Richter and Zanic had fought for something other than to gain skill and become better as Jedi. Now, every move would be worthwhile, and harshly judged by each opponent. Every move would be the chain for the next one, and following through openings would be critical. There would be no criticizing Zanic for mistakes made in combat, and Richter would be careful in his every move.

As he completed his ascent, Richter took a quick glance at the total area of the ring. He took a good look at the square plates that made a unique design. He was in the extreme southern part of the ring, and after acknowledging Zanic's presence, he took his position in the southwest part of the ring, 6.25 yards in from the southwestern corner. To his amazement, he had felt that Zanic's strength had already improved to some degree.

"Up here Zanic. Here, we will began our match. I will not hold back this time. I already feel ye improved in the Force. Show me how much."

Richter activated his blue lightsaber and put himself in a defensive posture as he awaited Zanic to ascend onto the ring. In the form of a fencer, Richter put his right hand in front with his lazersword in hand and his left hand behind his back, the knuckles against his vertrabal column. Richter mostly used the Makashi form of combat.


Zanic got into the ring.

"I have grown much stronger Richter. Do not underestimate me because that will be your downfall." Zanic said ducking his head a little bit so his eyes were shaded by his hair.

Zanic rushed at Richter and slashed upward from Richter's stomach to his chin with his right lightsaber and slashed at the right side of Richter's neck with his left lightsaber then did the same thing on the other side. Swinging upward from Richter's stomach to his chin with his left lightsaber and swung at the right side of Richter's neck with his right lightsaber. He jumped back and spun his lightsabers in front of him blocking any counter.

Zanic jumped over Richter and swung his right lightsaber at the back of Richter's right knee and swung at Richter's left shoulder with his left lightsaber. He jumped backwards spinning his lightsabers in front of him and took the Makashi defense stance.


The Jedi Knight was pleased with the new Jedi Knight's attitude. He was ready to prove himself worthy as an opponent, and in skill as a Jedi Knight.

"Do not think I underestimate anyone. It isn't my way."

He made the statement to make sure Zanic doesn't assume too much about people, and not to assume people would assume as well. He watched Zanic enter the ring with both of his lightsabers already activated, and with that, he held firm to the ground as Zanic dashed towards him.

When Zanic slashed upwards that would first make contact with his stomach, Richter parried with a horizontal thrust down to cross off the vertical angle of Zanic's right hand lightsaber and then defend his right side by changing his right hand lightsaber to a vertical angle to defend his neck from Zanic's left hand lightsaber. He repeated the same defense on the opposite angle side as Zanic's left hand lightsaber came for his stomach and his right hand lightsaber came for his neck from his left side. From there, he allowed Zanic to jump back and spin his lightsabers, which was probably a pre-emptive attempt to defend a possible attack from Richter.

As Zanic jumped over Richter, his attack on Richter's right knee was defended by Richter kneeling on his right knee while turning to his right, using his right hand lightsaber to defend the blow and also ducking his left shoulder low to avoid the swing of Zanic's left hand lightsaber. When Zanic jumped back and then took the Makashi defensive stance, it was now Richter's turn to attack.

"Very well played. I find ye to be far improved compared to the last time we met. I am curious to how that happened. There is more insight in thy attacks. Now Zanic, prepare thyself."

After commending Zanic's initiative, he then entered Force Speed and then began his own attack phase. Quickly, he sprang off his previous position directly at Zanic. Within 2 meters, he would leap into the air and then drive down at him, resting his saber against his chest. If Zanic moved, he would use an evasion roll and then re-assert his force from the ground, by attacking at Zanic's right patella with his left heel while striking at Zanic's right hand lightsaber by activating his red lightsaber and then using it with a thrust forward. His right hand lightsaber would be used to strike at Zanic's left hand lightsaber with strike to the hand, angled so it would parry and then quickly thrust forward at Zanic's sternum should the lightsabers make contact.

If he closed in with Zanic remaining stationary, Richter would use his right leg to sweep above Zanic's left ankle. This would momentarily cause Zanic to lose his balance. Richter would follow up on this with a stab at the right brachial plexus of Zanic, which would partially inhibit Zanic's motary (movement) functions in that area. In the meantime, if Zanic attempted to counter, Richter would act accordingly by a front clockwise vertical spinning parry with his red lightsaber and try to lock Zanic's two lightsabers with it and then attempt to breakthrough, using his blue lightsaber.


Zanic saw Richter jump into the air intending to come down on him. He moved a few feet away and watched Richter do an evasion roll.

Zanic's right lightsaber was unable to block the kick because he spun his lightsaber blocking the thrust, so Zanic parried Richter's foot as he would parry a stab with his left lightsaber. Zanic spun his left lightsaber knocking Richter's right lightsaber out of the way.

Zanic used force push on Richter's right foot making it go the other direction.. Zanic stepped to his left side barely dodging the attack to his brachial plexus. Zanic jumped back deciding not to get his lightsabers stuck in the spinning.

"My turn." Zanic said.

Zanic used force Surge on a tree nearby the ring. The tree instantly went towards Richter and Zanic used force Speed to get around Richter. He sliced his left lightsaber up into Richter's left armpit and struck in a horizontal slash at the back of Richter's right knee and spun his lightsabers for a pre-emptive defense. He ran to the front of Richter parting his two lightsabers trying to knock both lightsabers out of the way long enough for him to make a powerful kick at Richter's solar plexus with his left foot and then again went back to spinning his lightsabers.
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