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 (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord

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Mark Kenobi
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PostSubject: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 11:20 am

(Using Diabolus and my bounty hunter, Harmony)

A small murmur could be heard escaping from Harmony's COMM device. Faint as it was, the noise gave an intimidating aura to the men stationed at the bounty hunter's post. Mercenary in origin, the group Diabolus had gathered to do his bidding in this extravaganza which was set to begin shortly were the most cold blooded of killers. Nothing compared to the average force user, but still, efficient in starting a little chaos.

Harmony's COMM went crazy with banter again, this time much more comprehensible than the first time around.

"Have the charges been set?"

"Yes, Diabolus, we are all go. You say the word and we set the whole thing in motion."

"Excellent my friend, excellent."

Hesitantly, Harmony asked the man about his sole discrepancy in the plan.

"So, suppose we go through with this, and maybe, you figure that you want out. Well that leaves us with a death sentence and a cold, cold needle to endure and you with the ability to run back to your superiors. I want a litt..."

With that he was abruptly interrupted.


He cackled manically into the microphone, having to take time just to regain lost composure. Once he had settled himself down he opened his side of the line once more to finish what he needed to say.

"Insurance is something we give to people who want to protect their homes from a fire, not what we give to a band of mercenaries whom are scheming to blow the entire capital city of Coruscant all to hell! You have fallen far too deep into this web to retreat, but rest assured, the objectives on my end will be finished in time for you and your friends to leave the planet. Now get me up-linked to the communication systems throughout the city."

At this Harmony seemed reluctant, but knew all too well they had all been foolish up to this point. He was indeed backed into a corner, and unless this whole thing worked, the men with him were all as good as dead. That being said, he nodded to his tech. guy, Jonas, to start his portion of the job. A few clicks later and Harmony was back on the microphone giving Diabolus the heads up.

At this point every holocron and every screen which could broadcast network entertainment signals had been rerouted to a networking box high above the Central Television Corporation. This particular building was the resting spot of the newly appointed Sith Lord, Diabolus. Another interesting thing to note about this particular building, it directly overlooked the Senate quarters, which was the exact place the elections were being held. Oh... this would be fun.

His presence was cloaked to this point, and no one would assume to look at the spot where he was stationed as it was completely anonymous to that point. He gargled a bit, clearing his throat, then pressed the COMM button once more.

Now that his voice feature was engaged the only thing that could be seen was a direct feed from somewhere in front of the Bank of Coruscant. Screens everywhere turned away from their normal programs for this feed, and even the Senate would be disrupted by the occurrence. At first there was no sound to the clip, just an eerie silence amongst the city as people pondered what was transpiring. Then it came, the deep and almost groggy voice of the new Sith Lord.

"Greetings, Coruscant... Greetings Senators... Greetings Jedi Master Wind. I would be rude not to introduce myself as I am sure most of you have never heard this voice. My name is Diabolus, I am one of the several new Sith Lords. I am sure at this point you are curious, why have I interrupted you of your favorite hub of entertainment? Well let me assure you it is important."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, living amongst you here and now are the blight of society. You know all too well whom I speak of.... Master Wind.... The Jedi Order comes to Coruscant looking for you to once again accept them, to let them build on your land knowing full well that the Sith will set out to destroy their buildings, putting you, the citizens, in harm's way. This cannot be your wish as peaceful, democratic beings. You have seen the power of the Sith before, least you forget it now. Least you forget the fact that no matter whom the Jedi have present to protect the structures they build, failure is all that can become of their efforts."

"No, Ladies and Gentlemen, Senates and politicians, it is not my wish for the Sith to inflict more harm upon your beautiful planet to suffice for the Jedi corrupting it, but you yet again bring it amongst yourselves. You allow these incompetent creatures to walk among you, and to make political decisions for you. So by that notion you have only given me one choice..."

The feed showing the bank, which was very busy at this particular time, showed various citizens of Coruscant occupying its steps to view the video which had been playing for a few minutes now. Men and women, children and babies, all gathered in one spot. It was sad they had chosen this for themselves, but then again, it was sad cretins as foolish as themselves walked the face of this galaxy in the first place. A solemn music played through the clip now, further adding to the oddity surrounding the whole video. The music would only last for a few brief seconds, however. Then the entire city would be changed forever.

Diabolus gave Harmony the go ahead to further this plan just a bit more. Then explosives placed throughout the base of the bank were rigged in the most vital of areas. The remote detonator worked from miles away, and it only took one push of a button for Harmony to blow the whole thing to bits. The blast would destroy the entire building, collapsing it upon its own foundation and killing thousands who lingered outside or did their business inside. On top of that, it would cripple a portion of the Coruscant stocks and bonds, as well as loans department, sending the entire population into economic chaos.

Twenty two more seconds passed by then a tremor like shake hit Diabolus's sensations, making him rejoice in the success of it all. A small mushroom cloud loomed overhead, roughly fifteen blocks away at the bank. The feed ran throughout the event, and depicted everything from the gory start to the smoldering aftermath. Everyone would be in shock, so Diabolus wasted no time in getting back on the microphone to finish his message.

"It is unfortunate that the events which just took place had to transpire, but it is of my utmost hope that the people of this planet now know what must be done. We are more than capable of doing this everyday until you get the message, in case this wasn't enough to get you to change your minds. The Jedi are to be arrested on site, and a dead or alive policy is to be enacted. The building of the Coruscant temple is to be haulted immediately, through any means necessary. The Jedi will never come to think of Coruscant as safe haven to misuse and undermine again! Oh... and one last thing. People will die every week until this plan is carried out. Have a great day citizens, and remember, you are on the clock!"

With that the COMM connection was dispersed of. His completely untraceable act of terrorism seemed to be working quite nicely thus far. He would need to get in contact with Harmony later on, but had a very good feeling he made a real "impact" on the way this planet views Jedi.

(Just to address questions, I will be showing myself for anyone whom wants to fight by the end of this whole scheme. I can assure you that my bounty hunter had the explosives needed to blow up the bank of Coruscant and the ability to place them without notice. I can also assure that this action would send the entire planet in to chaos and anarchy. The people would riot and I would imagine given history with people vs tight situations they assume the Jedi put them in, will follow through with my orders.)
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Mark Kenobi

Mark Kenobi

Number of posts : 302
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 1:50 pm

(Just to note, you might have trouble carrying out any of these threats, considering Wind has about 600 million clone troopers in the Coruscant, and he has Clone Engineers slicing up the broadcast channels. Wink Good luck to you, Clint.)
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 4:22 pm

((Not to mention that Slayer has already sown a certain degree of dissent and suspicion towards the Jedi among the populace. What Slayer did was not enough on its own to start a riot or turn the people totally against the Jedi--nor was it designed to--but that combined with this would almost certainly cause some riots.

A very Dark Knight-ish post. Nice way to spice things up. Smile

Characters in play: Slayer and Blancna))

In an underground bunker, the same bunker from which another Jedi-undermining message had recently been broadcast, footsteps could be heard moving briskly through the halls. The door to his chambers burst open, and Blancna rushed in.

Slayer rose from his bed, slipping the hood up over his head before she could catch a glimpse of his real face and glaring at her with his glowing red eyes. Most people in his position would be appalled at such an invasion of a superior's privacy--after all, he was among the most revered Bounty Hunters in recent memory and not long ago had built up the largest criminal underground network since Black Sun. Not to mention the fact that he had connections all over the galaxy, including crucial ones in the Wayland Empire, and was one of the most dangerous one-on-one combat experts on the planet, maybe even in the galaxy. But Slayer's privacy was not as important to him as his secretive attitude might suggest, and he would much rather receive crucial information in a timely manner than waste time with a pointless gesture made to instill fear into his subordinates. They feared him enough already, and wouldn't trouble him unless it were something extremely important. Besides, Blancna was one of his top lieutenants, and she and Vické were the two people in the galaxy he trusted more than anyone else...although he still kept them at arm's length. Best not to get too close.

Blancna bowed her head briefly, then raised it up and said calmly, "My lord, there is something I believe you should see." Slayer nodded, then followed her as she turned around and headed back down the corridor. As he walked back towards the main room, the room from which he had broadcast his own message, he cast his senses out through the Force, trying to catch a glimpse of what she was referring to. His senses expanded beyond the small bunker, where only he and Blancna dwelt currently, and out into the planet itself, past the Senate building where debate was still raging, thanks to his little intervention. His mind finally settled on a dark presence whose location could not be completely pinpointed, but who was relatively close to where Slayer himself was, and Slayer could feel malevolent intentions pouring out of him...not directed towards him, of course, but towards the Jedi. Most interesting.

They arrived in the main room of the bunker within seconds, and Blancna slid into a chair behind one of the computer terminals. "There," she said, pointing at the holoscreen up on the wall. The image on the holoscreen was of a man, one Slayer didn't recognize visually, but his most important sense told him that it was the presence he had mentally encountered only seconds ago. "It's being broadcast across the galaxy, much like our last message. They seem to have a slicer with them, as well...but it's only a matter of time before the Clone slicers cut him off the air."

"Well, then, I suppose we shall have to get busy." Slayer sat down across from the second computer terminal in the room and tapped in a code allowing him to access the computer. "From the looks of it, this could prove effective in distracting the Jedi yet more. We'll just have to help to keep him on the air." Slayer was confident that this would work--the Clone slicers were good, certainly, but Blancna and Slayer had honed their skill to an art form, and combined with the Sith Lord's slicer (who he assumed must at least be competent), it should be easy to keep the man on the air long enough to finish his message. Blancna nodded, and they both got to work, obscuring the location of the other slicer and generally just making things difficult for the Clones. They didn't even have to wrest control over the airwaves, just keep the Sith Lord in control long enough so that the populace would hear his message.
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Mark Kenobi

Mark Kenobi

Number of posts : 302
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 10:19 am

(Lancer, there is no way in hell Blanca and whoever can outdo ten clone engineers even for a minute. They were bred for the job - and according to SW slicing standards, there is no way the message will get through without them allowing it.

Plus, I believe Clint here was ready to make an IC post in Wind's thread, which would be the best idea at the moment - making an IC appearance would be much more effective for this scenario.)
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Male Number of posts : 454
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 12:14 pm

((Sorry Mark, but Wind didn't state the use and any clone slicers in his post. Also, if what you said was true then the replies by Lancer and myself in Wind's post wouldn't have gone through. Seeing as how Wind accepted our replies, I see no reason why Clint's message wouldn't go through as well.))
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Mark Kenobi

Mark Kenobi

Number of posts : 302
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 12:21 pm

Terand wrote:
((Sorry Mark, but Wind didn't state the use and any clone slicers in his post. Also, if what you said was true then the replies by Lancer and myself in Wind's post wouldn't have gone through. Seeing as how Wind accepted our replies, I see no reason why Clint's message wouldn't go through as well.))

Wind stated: "He used a written command to the clone forces with the datapad, requesting that a group of expert clone slicers to reroute the pathways..."

He did indeed, you see it here. He used an "expert group of expert clone slicers."
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Male Number of posts : 454
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 12:27 pm

((I had over looked that part, however it states nothing about blocking any incoming transmissions, only to ensure that his own words reached out to the public.

"He used a written command to the clone forces with the datapad, requesting that a group of expert clone slicers to reroute the pathways to send out Wind's message on a large-scale, effectively countering the figure's deceptive attempt to leave out the Jedi's speech. The group would serve as a fail-safe to any modifications that the hidden slicer's attempts to cut out Wind's rebuttal."))
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Mark Kenobi

Mark Kenobi

Number of posts : 302
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 12:36 pm

Terand wrote:
((I had over looked that part, however it states nothing about blocking any incoming transmissions, only to ensure that his own words reached out to the public.

"He used a written command to the clone forces with the datapad, requesting that a group of expert clone slicers to reroute the pathways to send out Wind's message on a large-scale, effectively countering the figure's deceptive attempt to leave out the Jedi's speech. The group would serve as a fail-safe to any modifications that the hidden slicer's attempts to cut out Wind's rebuttal."))

(I am sure he made specifications on how many clones he used somewhere (10), and that he made sure to avoid any further interruptions. Let me look it over again.)
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Mark Kenobi

Mark Kenobi

Number of posts : 302
Registration date : 2008-11-06

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 12:38 pm

(The specifications I brought up were actually on a post in the second page:

"He ordered the ten clone engineers to ensure any further slicing interruptions and modifications were avoided in case there were any further attempts to disrupt the meeting.")

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Trever Leingod

Trever Leingod

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 12:42 pm

(That doesn't really matter. Didn't Clint say he would reply IC to my thread? Then I don't see the point of this discussion. Either way, he will be getting his word in.)
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 12:53 am

Mark Kenobi wrote:
(Lancer, there is no way in hell Blanca and whoever can outdo ten clone engineers even for a minute. They were bred for the job - and according to SW slicing standards, there is no way the message will get through without them allowing it.)

((I completely disagree, but since Clint has decided to take it into Wind's post, I see no need to press the argument.))
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Richter Belmont

Richter Belmont

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 7:57 am

white lancer wrote:
Mark Kenobi wrote:
(Lancer, there is no way in hell Blanca and whoever can outdo ten clone engineers even for a minute. They were bred for the job - and according to SW slicing standards, there is no way the message will get through without them allowing it.)

((I completely disagree, but since Clint has decided to take it into Wind's post, I see no need to press the argument.))

(Though the argument is ended, I need to point out that Obi-Mark is correct, whether or not thou agrees with it, so keep that in mind for future reference.)
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 11:40 am

Richter Belmont wrote:
white lancer wrote:
Mark Kenobi wrote:
(Lancer, there is no way in hell Blanca and whoever can outdo ten clone engineers even for a minute. They were bred for the job - and according to SW slicing standards, there is no way the message will get through without them allowing it.)

((I completely disagree, but since Clint has decided to take it into Wind's post, I see no need to press the argument.))

(Though the argument is ended, I need to point out that Obi-Mark is correct, whether or not thou agrees with it, so keep that in mind for future reference.)

((I see no reason why you feel the need to point out that Mark is "correct" in your view, but I'm going to say I don't believe he is and leave it at that.))
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Richter Belmont

Richter Belmont

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 11:41 am

white lancer wrote:
Richter Belmont wrote:
white lancer wrote:
Mark Kenobi wrote:
(Lancer, there is no way in hell Blanca and whoever can outdo ten clone engineers even for a minute. They were bred for the job - and according to SW slicing standards, there is no way the message will get through without them allowing it.)

((I completely disagree, but since Clint has decided to take it into Wind's post, I see no need to press the argument.))

(Though the argument is ended, I need to point out that Obi-Mark is correct, whether or not thou agrees with it, so keep that in mind for future reference.)

((I see no reason why you feel the need to point out that Mark is "correct" in your view, but I'm going to say I don't believe he is and leave it at that.))

Not my view, from the SW slicing standards. If that counts as my view, then let it be so.
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 11:43 am

((Whatever. I know from past experiences with you that you're never going to change your mind on anything, so I see no point in arguing about something, especially something that is over and done with.))
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Richter Belmont

Richter Belmont

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 11:47 am

white lancer wrote:
((Whatever. I know from past experiences with you that you're never going to change your mind on anything, so I see no point in arguing about something, especially something that is over and done with.))

(Even if the proof is in plain sight? Stubborn aren't ye? scratch )
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 1:34 pm

((Rant deleted, and I apologize to Richter for posting this publicly. I do, however, stand by what I said, and unless something drastic changes, this is probably the last time you'll see me post here.))

Last edited by white lancer on Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 1:42 pm

On second thought, I think I'm just going to leave outright. I'm not going to bother dealing with another condescending comment from you.

Good luck, and have a nice day.
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Vegito Rikhard

Vegito Rikhard

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 1:48 pm

(Lancer, what the heck is going on here?)
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Richter Belmont

Richter Belmont

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 2:10 pm

(Lancer, if thou has a problem with me, please, let us resolve it like civilized people. That long explosion does not solve a thing.)
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Marik Rayth

Marik Rayth

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PostSubject: Re: (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord   (READ) Coruscant - Meeting the New Sith Lord Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 2:55 pm

(Quit being so shit stupid, both of you. If Wind or whoever the hell did something to stop someone else, it happened. Don't be so damn stupid as to continue fighting once the topic is done with.)
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